JAC-Jharkhand Board Class 12 Books pdf for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Accountancy, Business Studies, Business Maths, Economics, Computer Science, Geography, History, Political Science and other are available here in pdf format for download. Students can download these JAC board books or Jharkhand board class 12 books 2023-24 session in both English & Hindi medium through this website.
Table of Contents
Jharkhand Board Class 12 Books | JAC NCERT & JCERT Books
Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) Provides the JAC board books 2023-24 of all subjects in both English & Hindi Medium for Arts, Commerce & Science stream students. The JAC board follows National Council of Educational Research & Training (NCERT) and Jharkhand Council of Educational Research & Training (JCERT) books because these books have been published by National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT).
Jharkhand Council of Educational Research & Training (JCERT)
The Department of School Education and Literacy (SEAL) Development Department are decide to preparing the Jharkhand Council of Educational Research & Training (JCERT) books for 1st to 5 th standard students. The JCERT Textbooks will be same as the NCERT Textbooks but in JCERT books will be include some extra topics & chapter basic on the Jharkhand. So You can use these both books for preparing JAC board class 12th board exams as well as other entrance and competitive exams like JEE, NEET, JCECEB, BCECEB etc.
JAC-Jharkhand Board Books Download PDF
Jharkhand state board books i.e. NCERT books are very important & useful for preparing JAC 12th board exam, because Jharkhand Academics Council prepare the JAC board Question Paper & Question Pattern on the basis NCERT textbooks. So if you are preparing for the jac 12th board examination, then you should download the Jharkhand board class 12 books which is based on the latest Syllabus & Exam pattern.

Jharkhand board class 12 books pdf download links are given here, You can download these JAC 12th Arts, Commerce & Science books through JAC board class 12 books pdf download 2023-2024 links which is given below after the table.
JAC Board Class 12 Physics Book English & Hindi Medium
Here we are providing the JAC-Jharkhand board class 12 books pdf for Physics. You can download these JAC board Physics books pdf for class 12 in both English & Hindi medium for offline use. Download chapter-wise JAC board class 12 books for physics through given links below.
NCERT Class 12 Physics Book Chapter-wise for English Medium
NCERT Physics Part -1
- Chapter 1: Electric Charges & Fields
- Chapter 2: Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
- Chapter 3: Current Electricity
- Chapter 4: Moving Charges and Magnetism
- Chapter 5: Magnetism and Matter
- Chapter 6: Electromagnetic Induction
- Chapter 7: Alternating Current
- Chapter 8: Electromagnetic Waves
- Answers Part 1
NCERT Physics Part -2
- Chapter 9: Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
- Chapter 10: Wave Optics
- Chapter 11: Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
- Chapter 12: Atoms
- Chapter 13: Nuclei
- Chapter 14: Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devises and Simple Circuits
- Chapter 15: Communication System
- Answers Part 2
NCERT Class 12 Physics Book Chapter-wise for Hindi Medium
NCERT भौतिकी भाग 1
- अध्याय 1: वैधुत आवेश तथा क्षेत्र
- अध्याय 2: स्थिर वैधुत विभव तथा धारिता
- अध्याय 3: विधुत धारा
- अध्याय 4: गतिमान आवेश और चुंबकत्व
- अध्याय 5: चुंबकत्व एवं द्रव्य
- अध्याय 6: वैधुतचुंबकीय प्रेरण
- अध्याय 7: प्रत्यावर्ती धारा
- अध्याय 8: वैधुतचुंबकीय तरंगे
- उत्तरमाला भाग 1
NCERT भौतिकी भाग 2
- अध्याय 9: किरण प्रकाशिकी एवं प्रकाशिक यंत्र
- अध्याय 10: तरंग – प्रकाशिकी
- अध्याय 11: विकिरण तथा द्रव्य की द्वैत प्रकृति
- अध्याय 12: परमाणु
- अध्याय 13: नाभिक
- अध्याय 14: अर्धचालक – पदार्थ, युक्तियाँ तथा सरल परिपथ
- अध्याय 15: संचार व्यवस्था
- उत्तरमाला भाग 2
JAC Board Class 12 Chemistry Book English & Hindi Medium
Chemistry is the most scoring subject in Science stream and NCERT chemistry book is enough to score good marks in board exams. For JAC board chemistry book of class 12 you can follow the NCERT textbook that will be enough for JAC 12th chemistry board exam. You can download the NCERT JAC board class 12 chemistry book pdf in hindi & english medium.
NCERT Class 12 Chemistry Book Chapter-wise for English Medium
NCERT Chemistry Part -1
- Unit 1 Solid State
- Unit 2 Solutions
- Unit 3 Electrochemistry
- Unit 4 Chemical Kinetics
- Unit 5 Surface Chemistry
- Unit 6 General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
- Unit 7 The p-Block Elements
- Unit 8 The d- and f- Block Elements
- Unit 9 Coordination Compounds
- NCERT Answers Part 1
NCERT Chemistry Part -2
- Unit 10 Haloalkanes and Haloarene
- Unit 11 Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
- Unit 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
- Unit 13 Amines
- Unit 14 Biomolecules
- Unit 15 Polymers
- Unit 16 Chemistry in Everyday Life
- NCERT Answers Part 2
NCERT Class 12 Chemistry Book Chapter-wise for Hindi Medium
रसायन विज्ञान भाग 1
- अध्याय 1: ठोस अवस्था
- अध्याय 2: विलयन
- अध्याय 3: वैधुतरसायन
- अध्याय 4: रासायनिक बलगतिकी
- अध्याय 5: पृष्ठ रसायन
- अध्याय 6: तत्वों के निष्कर्षण के सिद्धांत एवं प्रक्रम
- अध्याय 7: p- ब्लॉक के तत्व
- अध्याय 8: d- एवं f- ब्लॉक के तत्व
- अध्याय 9: उपसहसंयोजन यौगिक
- उत्तरमाला भाग 1
रसायन विज्ञान भाग 2
- अध्याय 10: हैलोएल्केन तथा हैलोएरीन
- अध्याय 11: एल्कोहल, फिनॉल एवं ईथर
- अध्याय 12: एल्डिहाइड, कीटोन एवं कार्बोक्सिलिक अम्ल
- अध्याय 13: एमीन
- अध्याय 14: जैव-अणु
- अध्याय 15: बहुलक
- अध्याय 16: दैनिक जीवन में रसायन
- उत्तरमाला भाग 2
JAC Board Class 12 Mathematics Book English & Hindi Medium
Class 12 Mathematics JAC board book in Hindi & English Medium are given below. Download NCERT JAC board maths book pdf for offline use. For JAC board maths book you can follow NCERT, R.S. Aggarwal, R.D. Sharma & other books pdf but for JAC board class 12 maths book you should download & use the NCERT class 12 maths book pdf, because it is enough for JAC board maths exams & most of the questions are asked from NCERT. The JAC 12th math book pdf download links are given below.
NCERT Class 12 Mathematics Book Chapter-wise for English Medium
NCERT Mathematics Part -1
- Chapter 1: Relations and Functions
- Chapter 2: Inverse Trigonometric Functions
- Chapter 3: Matrices
- Chapter 4: Determinants
- Chapter 5: Continuity and Differentiability
- Chapter 6: Application of Derivatives
- Answers Part 1
NCERT Mathematics Part -2
- Chapter 7: Integrals
- Chapter 8: Application of Integrals
- Chapter 9: Differential Equations
- Chapter 10: Vector Algebra
- Chapter 11: Three Dimensional Geometry
- Chapter 12: Linear Programming
- Chapter 13: Probability
- Answers Part 2
NCERT Class 12 Mathematics Book Chapter-wise for Hindi Medium
NCERT गणित भाग 1
- अध्याय 1: संबंध एवं फलन
- अध्याय 2: प्रतिलोम त्रिकोणमितीय फलन
- अध्याय 3: आव्यूह
- अध्याय 4: सारणिक
- अध्याय 5: सांतत्य तथा अवकलनीयता
- अध्याय 6: अवकलज के अनुप्रयोग
- उत्तरमाला भाग 2
NCERT गणित भाग 2
- अध्याय 7: समाकलन
- अध्याय 8: समाकलनों के अनुप्रयोग
- अध्याय 9: अवकल समीकरण
- अध्याय 10: सदिश बीजगणित
- अध्याय 11: त्रि-विमीय ज्यामिती
- अध्याय 12: रैखिक प्रोग्रामन
- अध्याय 13: प्रायिकता
- उत्तरमाला भाग 1
JAC Board Class 12 Biology Book English & Hindi Medium
JAC board Biology Book for class 12 is very very important for boards as well as NEET & other Medical Entrance or Competitive exams. Jharkhand board follow the NCERT class 12 biology textbook for JAC board exams. JAC class 12th biology book pdf download links are given below for both Hindi & English Medium, Download the Jharkhand board class 12 biology pdf book for offline use.
NCERT Class 12 Biology Book Chapter-wise for English Medium
Unit VI Reproduction
- Chapter 1: Reproduction in Organisms
- Chapter 2: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
- Chapter 3: Human Reproduction
- Chapter 4: Reproductive Health
Unit VII Genetics and Evolution
- Chapter 5: Principle of Inheritance and Variation
- Chapter 6: Molecular Basis of Inheritance
- Chapter 7: Evolution
Unit VIII Biology in Human Welfare
- Chapter 8: Human Health and Diseases
- Chapter 9: Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
- Chapter 10: Microbes in Human Welfare
Unit IX Biotechnology
- Chapter 11: Biotechnology: Principles and Processes
- Chapter 12: Biotechnology and its Applications
Unit X Ecology
- Chapter 13: Organisms and Populations
- Chapter 14: Ecosystem
- Chapter 15: Biodiversity and Conservation
- Chapter 16: Environmental Issues
NCERT Class 12 Biology Book Chapter-wise for Hindi Medium
इकाई छः जनन
- अध्याय 1: जीवों में जनन
- अध्याय 2: पुष्पी पादपों में लैंगिक जनन
- अध्याय 3: मानव जनन
- अध्याय 4: जनन स्वास्थ्य
इकाई सात: आनुवंशिकी तथा विकास
- अध्याय 5: वंशागति तथा विविधता के सिद्धांत
- अध्याय 6: वंशागति के आणविक आधार
- अध्याय 7: विकास
इकाई आठ: मानव कल्याण में जीव विज्ञान
- अध्याय 8: मानव स्वास्थ्य तथा रोग
- अध्याय 9: खाद्य उत्पादन में वृद्धि की कार्यनीति
- अध्याय 10: मानव कल्याण में सूक्ष्म जीव
इकाई नौ: जैव प्रौद्योगिकी
- अध्याय 11: जैव प्रौद्योगिकी – सिद्धांत व प्रक्रम
- अध्याय 12: जैव प्रौद्योगिकी एवं उसके उपयोग
इकाई दस: पारिस्थितिकी
- अध्याय 13: जीव और समष्टियाँ
- अध्याय 14: पारितंत्र
- अध्याय 15: जीव विविधतता एवं संरक्षण
- अध्याय 16: पर्यावरण के मुद्दे
- पूरक पाठय सामग्री
JAC Board Class 12 English Book PDF Download
JAC board 12th English Book pdf download links are available here for both Flamingo & Vistas book. Jharkhand board prescribed the NCERT Flamingo & NCERT Vistas books as JAC board class 12 English Book pdf. You can download Class 12th english book jac board pdf through given links below.
English Class 12 “Flamingo”
- Flamingo: Prelims
- Lesson 1: The Last Lesson (Alphonse Daudet)
- Lesson 2: Lost Spring (Anees Jung)
- Lesson 3: Deep Water (William Douglas)
- Lesson 4: The Rattrap (Selma Lagerlof)
- Lesson 5: Indigo (Louis Fischer)
- Lesson 6: Poets and Pancakes (Asokamitran)
- Lesson 7: The Interview
- Lesson 8: Going Places (A. R. Barton)
- Poem 1: My Mother at Sixty – Six (Kamala Das)
- Poem 2: An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum (Stephen Spender)
- Poem 3: Keeping Quiet (Pablo Neruda)
- Poem 4: A Thing of Beauty (John Keats)
- Poem 5: A Roadside Stand (Robert Frost)
- Poem 6: Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers (Adrienne Rich)
English Class 12 “Vistas – Supplementary Reader”
Vistas – Supplementary Reader
- Vistas: Prelims
- Chapter 1: The Third Level (Jack Finney)
- Chapter 2. The Tiger King (Kalki)
- Chapter 3. Journey to the end of the Earth (Tishani Doshi)
- Chapter 4. The Enemy Pearl (S. Buck)
- Chapter 5. Should Wizard hit Mommy (John Updike)
- Chapter 6. On the face of It (Susan Hill)
- Chapter 7. Evans Tries an O-level (Colin Dexter)
- Chapter 8. Memories of Childhood (Zitkala-Sa & Bama)
JAC Board Class 12 Accountancy Book English & Hindi Medium
Accountancy book class 12 JAC board is the most important book for jac board commerce stream students. Here we are providing the NCERT Class 12 Accountancy Book pdf download links. You can download this JAC class 12th Accountancy book pdf in Hindi & English Medium.
NCERT Accountancy Class 12 Book for English Medium
Accountancy Part 1
- Chapter 1: Accounting for Not-For-Profit Organisation
- Chapter 2: Accounting for Partnership: Basic Concepts
- Chapter 3: Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm – Admission of a Partner
- Chapter 4: Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm – Retirement/Death of a Partner
- Chapter 5: Dissolution of Partnership Firm
Accountancy Part 2
- Chapter 1: Accounting for Share Capital
- Chapter 2: Issue and Redemption of Debentures
- Chapter 3: Financial Statements of a Company
- Chapter 4: Analysis of Financial Statements
- Chapter 5: Accounting Ratios
- Chapter 6: Cash Flow Statements
NCERT Accountancy Class 12 Book for Hindi Medium
लेखाशास्त्र भाग 1
- अध्याय 1: अलाभकारी संस्थाओं के लिए लेखांकन
- अध्याय 2: साझेदारी लेखांकन – आधारभूत अवधारणाएँ
- अध्याय 3: साझेदारी फर्म का पुनर्गठन – साझेदार का प्रवेश
- अध्याय 4: साझेदारी फर्म का पुनर्गठन – साझेदार की सेवानिवृति/मृत्यु
- अध्याय 5: साझेदारी फर्म का विघटन
लेखाशास्त्र भाग 2
- अध्याय 1: अंशपूँजी के लिए लेखांकन
- अध्याय 2: ऋणपत्रों का निर्गम एवं मोचन
- अध्याय 3: कंपनी के वित्तीय विवरण
- अध्याय 4: वित्तीय विवरणों का विश्लेषण
- अध्याय 5: लेखांकन अनुपात
- अध्याय 6: रोकड़ प्रवाह विवरण
JAC Board Class 12 Business Studies Book English & Hindi Medium
JAC board Business Studies Class 12 Book pdf download links are given below. You can download this JAC or NCERT bussines studies book pdf as well as other JAC board class 12 Commerce books in Hindi & English Medium through this website.
Business Studies Class 12 Book for English Medium
Bussines Studies Part -1
- Chapter 1: Nature and Significance of Management
- Chapter 2: Principles of Management
- Chapter 3: Business Environment
- Chapter 4: Planning
- Chapter 5: Organising
- Chapter 6: Staffing
- Chapter 7: Directing
- Chapter 8: Controlling
Bussines Studies Part -2
- Chapter 9: Financial Management
- Chapter 10: Financial Markets
- Chapter 11: Marketing
- Chapter 12: Consumer Protection
Business Studies Class 12 Book for Hindi Medium
व्यावसायिक अध्ययन भाग 1
- अध्याय 1: प्रबंध की प्रकृति एवं महत्व
- अध्याय 2: प्रबंध के सिद्धांत
- अध्याय 3: व्यावसायिक पर्यावरण
- अध्याय 4: नियोजन
- अध्याय 5: संगठन
- अध्याय 6: नियुक्तिकरण
- अध्याय 7: निर्देशन
- अध्याय 8: नियंत्रण
व्यावसायिक अध्ययन भाग 2
- अध्याय 9: व्यावसायिक वित्त
- अध्याय 10: वित्तीय बाजार
- अध्याय 11: विपणन
- अध्याय 12: उपभोक्ता संरक्षण
JAC Board Class 12 Economics Book Hindi & English Medium
JAC 12th Economics Book in Hindi & English are available here in pdf format, NCERT Economics Book (Hindi & English) for Class 12 are devided into two parts Macroeconomics & Indian Economic Development. Economics book class 12 JAC board pdf download links are given below. Also you can check out the complete Jharkhand board class 12 books pdf download links.
NCERT Books Class 12 Economics for English Medium
Indian Economic Development
- Chapter 1: Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence
- Chapter 2: Indian Economy 1950 – 1990
- Chapter 3: Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation: An Appraisal
- Chapter 4: Poverty
- Chapter 5: Human Capital Formation in India
- Chapter 6: Rural Development
- Chapter 7: Employment: Growth, Informalisation and other Issues
- Chapter 8: Infrastructure
- Chapter 9: Environment and Sustainable Development
- Chapter 10: Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours
NCERT Class 12 Economics Book for English Medium
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: National Income Accounting
- Chapter 3: Money and Banking
- Chapter 4: Determination of Income and Employment
- Chapter 5: Government Budget and the Economy
- Chapter 6: Open Economy Macroeconomics
NCERT Books Class 12 Economics for Hindi Medium
Indian Economic Development Hindi Book
- अध्याय 1: स्वतंत्रता की पूर्व संध्या पर भारतीय अर्थव्यसथा
- अध्याय 2: भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था (1950 – 1990)
- अध्याय 3: उदारीकरण, निजीकरण और वैश्वीकरण: एक समीक्षा
- अध्याय 4: निर्धनता
- अध्याय 5: भारत में मानव पूँजी का निर्माण
- अध्याय 6: ग्रामीण विकास
- अध्याय 7: रोजगार – संवृद्धि, अनौपचारीकरण एवं अन्य मुद्दे
- अध्याय 8: आधारिक संरचना
- अध्याय 9: पर्यावरण और धारणीय विकास
- अध्याय 10: भारत और उसके पड़ोसी देशों के तुलनात्मक विकास अनुभव
NCERT Books Class 12 Economics for Hindi Medium
Macroeconomics Hindi Book
- अध्याय 1: परिचय
- अध्याय 2: राष्ट्रीय आय का लेखांकन
- अध्याय 3: मुद्रा और बैंकिंग
- अध्याय 4: आय और रोजगार के निर्धारण
- अध्याय 5: सरकारी बजट एवं अर्थव्यवस्था
- अध्याय 6: खुली अर्थव्यवस्था – समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र
Class 12 Business Maths Book PDF Download
- Business Maths Textbook – Download
Class 12 Entrepreneurship Book PDF Download
- Entrepreneurship Textbook – Download
JAC Board Class 12 History Book Hindi & English Medium
JAC board class 12 History Books Hindi & English Medium are available here in pdf format. You can download this JAC NCERT History Book for Class 12 (Hindi & English Medium) Chapter-wise for offline use. Students also can download Complete 12th History Book (Includes All chapters) through the pdf download links which are given below.
NCERT Books Class 12 History for English Medium
History Part -1
- Content: Part 1 – Part 4
- Chapter 1: Bricks, Beads And Bones (The Harappan Civilisation)
- Chapter 2: Kings, Farmers And Towns (Early States and Economies)
- Chapter 3: Kinship, Caste And Class (Early Societies)
- Chapter 4: Thinkers, Beliefs And Buildings (Cultural Developments)
History Part -2
- Chapter 5: Through The Eyes Of Travellers: (Perceptions of Society)
- Chapter 6: Bhakti –Sufi Traditions: (Changes in Religious Beliefs and Devotional Texts)
- Chapter 7: An Imperial Capital: Vijayanagara
- Chapter 8: Peasants, Zamindars And The State: (Agrarian Society and the Mughal Empire)
- Chapter 9: Kings And Chronicles: (The Mughal Courts)
History Part -3
- Chapter 10: Colonialism And The Countryside: (Exploring Official Archives)
- Chapter 11: Rebels And The Raj: (1857 Revolt and its Representations)
- Chapter 12: Colonial Cities: (Urbanisation, Planning and Architecture)
- Chapter 13: Mahatma Gandhi And The Nationalist Movement: (Civil Disobedience and Beyond)
- Chapter 14: Understanding Partition: (Politics, Memories, Experiences)
- Chapter 15: Framing The Constitution: (The Beginning of a New Era)
NCERT Books Class 12 History for Hindi Medium
इतिहास भाग 1
- Content: भाग 1 – भाग 3
- Chapter 1: ईंटें, मनके तथा अस्थियाँ
- Chapter 2: राजा, किसान और नगर
- Chapter 3: बंधुत्व, जाति तथा वर्ग
- Chapter 4: विचारक, विश्वास और ईमारतें
इतिहास भाग 2
- Chapter 5: यात्रियों के नज़रिए
- Chapter 6: भक्ति सूफी परंपराएँ
- Chapter 7: एक साम्राज्य की राजधानी : विजयनगर
- Chapter 8: किसान, जमींदार और राज्य
- Chapter 9: राजा और विभिन्न वृतांत
इतिहास भाग 3
- Chapter 10: उपनिवेशवाद और देहात
- Chapter 11: विद्रोही और राज
- Chapter 12: औपनिवेशिक शहर
- Chapter 13: महात्मा गाँधी और राष्ट्रीय आन्दोलन
- Chapter 14: विभाजन को समझना
- Chapter 15: संविधान का निर्माण
JAC Board Class 12 Geography Book Hindi & English Medium
The Jharkhand board class 12 books pdf download links for geography are available here, NCERT Geography Book for class 12 are available for both Hindi & English Medium students, download JAC NCERT Geography Book for offline use.
NCERT Books Class 12 Geography for English Medium
Geography Part -1
Fundamental of Human Geography
- Chapter 1: Human Geography: Nature and Scope
- Chapter 2: The World Population: Distribution, Density and Growth
- Chapter 3: Population Composition
- Chapter 4: Human Development
- Chapter 5: Primary Activities
- Chapter 6: Secondary Activities
- Chapter 7: Tertiary and Quaternary Activities
- Chapter 8: Transport and Communication
- Chapter 9: International Trade
- Chapter 10: Human Settlements
Geography Part -2
India People and Economy
- Chapter 1: Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition
- Chapter 2: Migration: Types, Causes and Consequences
- Chapter 3: Human Development
- Chapter 4: Human Settlements
- Chapter 5: Land Resources and Agriculture
- Chapter 6: Water Resources
- Chapter 7: Mineral and Energy Resources
- Chapter 8: Manufacturing Industries
- Chapter 9: Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context
- Chapter 10: Transport And Communication
- Chapter 11: International Trade
- Chapter 12: Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems
NCERT Books Class 12 Geography for Hindi Medium
भूगोल भाग 1
खण्ड 1: मानव भूगोल के मूल सिद्धांत
- Chapter 1: मानव भूगोल – प्रकृति एवं विषय क्षेत्र
- Chapter 2: विश्व जनसंख्या-वितरण, घनत्व और वृद्धि
- Chapter 3: जनसंख्या संघटन
- Chapter 4: मानव विकास
- Chapter 5: प्राथमिक क्रियाएँ
- Chapter 6: द्वितीयक क्रियाएँ
- Chapter 7: तृतीयक और चतुर्थ क्रियाकलाप
- Chapter 8: परिवहन एवं संचार
- Chapter 9: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय व्यापार
- Chapter 10: मानव बस्ती
भूगोल भाग 2
खण्ड 2: भारत – लोग और अर्थव्यवस्था
- Chapter 1: जनसंख्या: वितरण, घनत्व, वृद्धि एवं संघटन
- Chapter 2: प्रवास-प्रकार, कारण और परिणाम
- Chapter 3: मानव विकास
- Chapter 4: मानव बस्तियाँ
- Chapter 5: भूसंसाधन तथा कृषि
- Chapter 6: जल – संसाधन
- Chapter 7: खनिज तथा ऊर्जा संसाधन
- Chapter 8: निर्माण उद्योग
- Chapter 9: भारत के संदर्भ में नियोजन और सततपोषणीय विकास
- Chapter 10: परिवहन तथा संचार
- Chapter 11: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय व्यापार
- Chapter 12: भौगोलिक परिप्रेक्ष्य में चयनित कुछ मुद्दे एवं समस्याएँ
Class 12 Geology Book PDF Download
- Geology Textbook – Download
Class 12 Home Science Hindi Medium Book PDF Download
Class 12 Home Science English Medium Book PDF Download
JAC Board Class 12 Articles:
- JAC Board Class 12 Computer Science Book & Notes
- JAC Board Class 12 Toppers Answer Sheet Download
- JAC Board Class 12 Question Bank with Answers
If you have any question or querie regarding this post or Article JAC-Jharkhand Board Class 12 books pdf download for session 2023-2024 then kindly comment below, we’ll definitely solve, improve and update it.
Please send me Business math Book pdf please
Ok I’ll try
Business Maths book for class 12 has been uploaded, check now.
Please send me Entrepreneurship book pdf urgently…
I’ll try to update it
Entrepreneurship book for class 12 are already available, check it.
I need the books of Home science class 12th, JAC bord..
Okk I’ll try to upload home science book for jac board class 12
Hi Uma, Home Science book Class 12th book for JAC Board has been uploaded.
I NEED book in geology in class12
Hey Selu, Geology book for class 12 jac board has been uploaded
12th class ka Geology ka syllabus kyun nahi hai ?
JAC board syllabus download link article me already given hai
I need anthropology book 12th jac.
I will update soon, If available read NCERT anthropology book for JAC board class 12.
I need 2022-23 question paper for 12 jac..
Check EduMate Pro Website, there you’ll get all previous year question papers of JAC board.